Friday, May 27, 2011

Poveste cu talc

"Un vapor a ancorat in Mexic, langa un micut sat de pescari. Un turist i-a complimentat pe pescari pentru calitatea produselor si i-a intrebat cat timp le ia sa prinda acei pesti.
- Nu foarte mult timp, au raspuns pescarii la unison.
- Dar de ce n-ati mai stat, ca sa prindeti mai mult peste?
Pescarii i-au raspuns ca micile cantitati pe care le prind sunt suficiente pentru nevoile lor si ale familiilor lor.
- Pai, si ce faceti in restul timpului? a intrebat turistul.
- Dormim pana tarziu, ne jucam cu copiii si ne facem siesta impreuna cu sotiile noastre. Mai tarziu, pe seara, mergem in sat, unde ne intalnim cu prietenii, cantam la ghitara cateva cantece si tot asa... Avem o viata plina.
Turistul i-a intrerupt:
- Stati putin! Eu am absolvit Harvard-ul, am o diploma in economie si pot sa va ajut! Trebuie sa pescuiti mai mult timp in fiecare zi. In felul asta, o sa puteti vinde pestele pe care il prindeti in plus. Cu veniturile suplimentare, veti putea cumpara o barca mai mare.
- Si dupa aia? au intrebat pescarii.
- Cu banii suplimentari pe care-i va aduce barca, veti putea cumpara o a doua si o a treia barca si tot asa, pana cand veti avea o intreaga flota de barci de pescuit. In loc sa vindeti pestele unui intermediar, veti putea negocia direct cu marile fabrici de procesare, poate chiar sa va construiti propria fabrica. Atunci veti putea parasi satucul asta micut si sa va mutati in Mexico City  Los Angeles, sau poate chiar la New York! De acolo va veti putea conduce noua intreprindere prospera.
- Si cam cat timp ne-ar lua asta? au intrebat pescarii.
- Douazeci, poate chiar douazeci si cinci de ani, a replicat turistul.
- Si dupa asta?
- Dupa asta?!... Ei bine, prietene, asta-i momentul cand devine cu adevarat interesant, a raspuns zambind larg turistul. Cand afacerea ta este cu adevarat uriasa, poti sa incepi sa vinzi si sa cumperi active si sa faci milioane de dolari!
- Milioane?! Serios? Si dupa asta? au intrebat pescarii.
- Dupa asta, veti putea sa va retrageti din afaceri, sa traiti intr-un satuc linistit si retras pe malul marii, sa dormiti pana tarziu, sa va jucati cu copiii vostri, sa va faceti siesta cu sotiile si sa va petreceti serile impreuna cu prietenii, distrandu-va cum veti dori.
- Cu tot respectul, domnule, dar asta e exact ce facem acum. Care ar fi rostul sa irosim douazeci si cinci de ani?!... au intrebat mexicanii."

 I wish you a lovely weekend!

Thursday, May 26, 2011

Shabby Chic Homes - tips and tricks

The Shabby Chic Home is one of simple elegance and romance. You will see how easy it is to blend this look into your home decor. Here is a gallery of Shabby Chic style rooms to spark your imagination. After looking at these room decorating ideas, you can start decorating your own home like this.

Change is something we all need now and then. If your budget can’t handle a complete makeover, try re-arranging the furniture in the room. Perhaps bring in new photos or other accessories from another room of the house to display in the family room. 

We need to think about our own comfort and relaxation when decorating home. Include pillows, curtains, bedding, lamps, rugs and more.

  • Update existing couches and chairs with slipcovers

  • Sew throw pillows and window treatments from coordinating fabrics

  • Flat sheets and home décor fabric are great resources for window fashions and throw pillows

  • Re-upholster ottomans or single hard-backed chairs

  • Use lace, beads, crystals, and fabric to update lampshades

  • Bamboo blinds, mini blinds, and roman shades are inexpensive and attractive additions to living room windows or doors

  • Showcase collections on top of an entertainment center or bookshelf

  • Display/store blankets, quilts, and magazines in large baskets

  • Use stacks of vintage books to create legs for a coffee table and then place one piece of glass over the top. Old-time suitcases or valises can support a trio of serving trays for a truly unique table.

  • Well-placed artificial or live trees, potted plants, or hanging plants bring a bit of nature and green into the living room.

  • An entire wall covered in favorite family photos or artwork is a beautiful addition to a family room.

  • Bookshelves of every size, width, and height can house books, but vintage china, antiques, photos, candles, games, and baskets filled with odds and ends that don’t seem to fit anywhere else. 


    Wednesday, May 25, 2011

    Got Sunglasses

    Last weekend I bought myself the perfect pair of Polaroid sun glasses. They are just what I needed for outdoors. I am so proud of them! I was looking for such a long time to find a nice pair of sunglasses that were not only fashionable but also very practical and designed for eye-protection. The ergonomic design makes sure that the Polaroid sunglasses feel extremely comfortable and they look very chic.
    In my recent quest for chic but protective eye-wear I found this interesting and very creative Blyth Ksubi's 2011 Eyewear Ad Campaign that I thought sharing it with you.

    Sunday, May 15, 2011

    Best Dressed Celebrities Cannes 2011

    In a season of glamorous red carpet events it is worth keeping an eye on the hottest ensembles flaunted by our favorite celebs. Popular figures from Hollywood were invited to honor the most impressive movie productions of the moment. The 64th Cannes Film Festival is held at the sparkling Palais des Festivals in Cannes. 

    Jane Fonda in Emilio PucciUma Thurman in Versace
    Karolina Kurkova in Armani PriveSalma Hayek in Gucci Premiere

    As part of the uber-respected jury Uma Thurman managed to catch the eye of all keen paparazzi with her sylph-like Versace dress. The white floor-sweeping gown was decorated with oh-so-glamorous feathers.

    Jane Fonda managed to show us a lesson on the fact that age has nothing to do with high street fashion-consciousness. At the age of 73 she succeeded in attracting immediate attention with her fab Emilio Pucci gown.

    Diane Kruger in Calvin KleinAishwarya Rai in Armani Prive

    Alexa Chung wore a lovely white frock with long-sleeves radiating a super-classy allure thanks to the fabulous tailoring of the dress. The young style icon crowned her look with chunky black heels and a lovely clutch. Rachel McAdams switched things up a bit for the 2nd day in Cannes and opted for a dazzling Monique Lhuillier Spring 2011 ensemble made up of floor-sweeping pants and a dazzling gold bustier. In spite of her surprising option, she still succeeded in landing in our best dressed Hall of Fame.

    Rachel McAdams in Monique LhuillierAlexa Chung

    Angelina Jolie also attended the Photocall wearing an uber-flirty and classy Salvatore Ferragamo dress. The beige mini frock is perfect to mirror a Mediterranean allure and stay in the spotlight. In order to preserve the harmony of the complete ensemble she decided to complete her look with matching pumps and a fabulous belt envisioned by the same designer. 

    Emily Browning in Louis VuittonAngelina Jolie in Salvatore Ferragamo