Tuesday, June 28, 2011

IKEA Living Room Design

There are numerous brands that allow us to glam up our home with stylish and fabulous decorative elements. IKEA managed to become one of the most impressive names in the business of interior design, due to it's power to provide people from all over the world with pocket-friendly ideas on how to get rid of monotony.

The IKEA Living Room Design collection for 2011 is the hot stuff of the moment if you're not afraid to flirt with the plan of making a dramatic change in your crib. The living room is undoubtedly the heart of a house, therefore it is highly recommended to keep it modern and sight-pampering. Offer your guests and the whole family the pleasure of spending some precious time in this room. Use the following examples as the perfect inspiration for a future makeover.

  IKEA Living Room Design Collection 2011  IKEA Living Room Design Collection 2011IKEA Living Room Design Collection 2011 
 Experiment with groundbreaking ideas popularized also by IKEA and learn how to mix/match the different shades. Build up a harmonious effect by juggling with space and light. These are some of the main factors that can contribute to the success of the transformation. Practical meets high class in this on trend collection. Therefore, play with your experimental side to wow your friends and family with a brand new living room design.

  IKEA Living Room Design Collection 2011  IKEA Living Room Design Collection 2011  IKEA Living Room Design Collection 2011IKEA Living Room Design Collection 2011  IKEA Living Room Design Collection 2011


Monday, June 27, 2011

Homemade Macaroons

They are light and simple treats that can easily become an addiction. Macaroons, as it's about these irresistible desserts we are talking about, represent a savoury delight, with a soft interior and crunchy crust. Put your culinary skills to the test trying this delicious macaroons recipe and get ready to play with flavours and colors! 

It is said that the first macaroons were made from almond paste and egg whites, and from here the name of the cookie which comes from an Italian word meaning 'paste', 'maccarone'. Some historians claim that macaroons have their roots in Venice, during the Renaissance, while others say that these delightful biscuits can be traced in France, back in 1533. 

Still, regardless their origins, macaroons remain a mouth-watering, delicate and lovely treat that allows you to have fun while cooking. Make the most of your culinary skills by adding different colourings and flavour extracts such as chocolate, coffee, coconut or fruits. For the chocolate macaroons replace a quarter of the icing sugar with cocoa powder.  

Let's play!

  • 225g icing sugar

  • 130g ground almonds

  • 3 large egg whites, room temperature

  • 75g superfine sugar

  • 1/2 teaspoon vanilla extract

  • Preheat oven to 180°C. Macaroons are great when they are made with freshly ground blanched almonds. Pulse the icing sugar and the ground almonds in a food processor until you get a powdery mixture, then sift two or three times in a bowl.

  • Take another bowl and whisk the egg whites until they double their size and form soft peaks. You can use an electric mixer. Next, gradually add the superfine sugar and whisk until firm peaks form. This is the perfect moment for you to color and flavour your macaroons. Pink, purple, green, yellow, red, orange, their design and taste are up to you.

  • Fold the almond-sugar mixture into the meringue and mix well until you obtain a smooth and shiny mixture. Take a piping bag with a centimetre-wide round tip and spoon the mixture in. Pipe 4-5cm diameter circles on a baking sheet and let them rest at room temperature for 10-15 minutes until a fine skin is formed.

  • Place macaroons into the oven and bake for 10-15 minutes, until they are firm and can easily be removed from the tray. Let macaroons cool. Sandwich two macaroons together using peanut butter, jam, chocolate ganache, butter cream, or a special filling that you can prepare at home.

  • For the filling you need 150g unsalted butter, softened, 75g icing sugar, and fruits, nuts, or different flavours. If you want you can also add colourings. Beat butter until fluffy, then gradually beat in the sugar and the rest of the ingredients.

  • Saturday, June 25, 2011

    Versace for H&M

    Yet another H&M designer collaboration is upon us, and this one promises to be major: Versace for H&M.

    The fall 2011 collection is designed by creative director Donatella Versace, and according the press release, promises to "recall the vibrant heritage of the brand, complete with leather, prints, color and exuberance in exclusive materials at fantastic H&M prices.

    Donatella gushed in the same press release, "I am thrilled to be collaborating with H&M and to have the opportunity of reaching their wide audience. The collection will be quintessential Versace, perfect for H&M and Versace fans everywhere."
    Check out the video below to see what Donatella has planned for this fall!

    Thursday, June 23, 2011

    It's Friday, It's Weekend!

    Iubesc vara! E anotimpul meu preferat! Ei bine iubesc soarele, iubesc caldura, iubesc marea. Daca ar fi permanent vara nu m-as supara chiar deloc. Iubesc vara si tot ce aduce cu ea, nopti calde, cirese, marea, cerul ei senin din fiecare dimineata. Iubesc vara pentru ca este plina de flori, de zambete si de voie buna.

    Iubesc valurile care-mi mangaie trupul, vantul care-mi ravaseşte parul, soarele care-mi imbujorează obrajii. Şi bronzul! Da, bronzul acela care-mi coloreaza pielea în aramiu şi ma face sa ma simt mai frumoasa. Iubesc moleaseala care ma cuprinde cand stau tolanita pe un sezlong si sa ma rasfat cu cate un cocktail facut din cele mai aromate fructe. Iubesc sa fiu cu cel pe care-l iubesc!

    .... paradise, here we coooooome!

    Sunday, June 19, 2011

    Concurs Charm de Paris

    Alegerea bijuteriilor pentru nunta poate fi de cele mai multe ori dificila. Vei sti care este bijuteria ta imediat ce privirea iti va fi atrasa de stralucirea cristalelor sau de eleganta sublima a perlelor. Vei simti pur si simplu ca acea bijuterie este a ta!

    Asortate cu grija intregii tinute, bijuteriile Charm de Paris, vor crea din fiecare mireasa o poveste aparte.
    PlanificareNunta.ro si CharmdeParis.com te invita la concurs.

    Despre premii
    Doua vouchere de 50% reducere pentru cumparaturi de pe www.charmdeparis.com, indiferent de valoarea comenzii.
    Ce trebuie sa faci
    1. Devino fan Facebook al paginii PlanificareNunta.ro
    2. Intra pe www.charmdeparis.com, alege bijuteria preferata si posteaza link-ul pe wall-ul Facebook al site-ului PlanificareNunta.ro

    Detalii concurs
    • Concursul se desfasoara in perioada 8 - 29 iunie 2011.
    • Se vor desemna doi castigatori care vor primi fiecare cate un voucher de reducere de 50 % pentru cumparaturi de pe www.charmdeparis.com, indiferent de valoarea comenzii, indiferent de valoarea comenzii.
    • Participantii la concurs trebuie sa devina fani pe Facebook al paginii PlanificareNunta.ro sa intre pe pe www.charmdeparis.com, sa-si aleaga bijuteria preferata si posteze link-ul pe wall-ul de Facebook al site-ului PlanificareNunta.ro.
    • Castigatorii vor fi anuntati pe 29 iunie, ora 16.
    • Castigatorii vor primi mail de confirmare la care va trebui sa raspunda in termen de 10 zile de la data primirii, altfel premiul devine nul.



    Va urez succes!