Tuesday, November 2, 2010

So Over 23! ON TO THE NEXT ONE!!!!!!!!

Dear Readers- IM 24 TODAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I remember turning 23 last year. It was a day similar like today in New York City, cold, crisp with just enough sun outside. My sisters Evelyn and Ashley were visiting from California, ready to spend a couple days in NY to celebrate my birthday in the city. I remember sitting down for dinner at one of my favorite Mexican restaurants in the city, Mama Mexico, on 113th and Broadway. The restaurant was not too crowded, the food was great, the mariachi was entertaining and the tequila shots ...not going to lie, were delicious! At the end of our dinner, my sister handed me a pile of birthday cards from my family back home. I read them, cried a bit (cried a lot actually), smiled, and I remember just thinking in my head- I WISH FOR NOTHING ELSE THIS YEAR BUT FOR HAPPINESS. I WISH HAPPINESS UPON MY FRIENDS AND FAMILY AND NEIGHBORS AND EVEN FOR STRANGERS.

Not, going to lie- a lot happened this past year for me. My crazy and wreckless 23 has toned things down to a a mature and much more ambitious 24.

It was just a year ago when I found myself new in the city of hopes and dreams- soaking every part of NY day and night. Walking the streets of Manhattan, breathing in my environment and the NY culture that still surprises me til' today. Today, I noticed everything about me that had changed within a year period. Although I haven't reached my ultimate educational goal- I am closer and more passionate. Although I walk the same streets and take the same subways, my walk is more confident, my thoughts are more positive from sun rise to sun set, my body isn't as afraid to take bigger and wider leaps. I have become a self-motivated individual. I am independent.

I have come to accept the fact, that every morning I will miss my family. I will cry from time to time because they aren't around me to hug and to laugh with- but I also understand this year more than ever that they are and will always be right behind my every move and support my NY dreams and goals.I was reminded this exact morning of this at 3am by my great friend Olivia. She sent me a birthday present from California that went through quite an adventure these past couple days to get to my Chelsea apartment. When I opened my present, it was a frame with a collection of photographs from some of the most memorable moments I have ever spent at home with my family. Being the cry baby that I am- my heart completely burst into emotions and I immediately had tears running down my cheeks. What a present! Within our conversation, holding my present and Skyping...She made me realize just how lucky I am, and how it's ok to miss everything and everyone that is back home- because even from a distance, they truly are always with me.

I decided already today, that I am going to have a great,first day of being 24! I had a talk with God this morning and said,"I know I woke up late today again, Thank You for giving me a couple more minutes of sleep- and, Thank You very much for giving me an amazing 24th Birthday!

On another note, my BFF was amazing and incredible to plan a special something for today!!!! I'm not sure what she planned or where we will be having dinner at, but what I do know is that like Carrie Bradshaw- today I must get a dress, and that dress must look fabulous, and I must be fabulous like my dress! :) I'm not sure what I will wish for yet when I blow out those big bright candles tonight, it's tough to wish for anything when you are already jam packed with love and happiness- then again...I guess some more lovin' can't hurt anyone!

Can't wait to celebrate...all month!

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