Thursday, October 14, 2010


So yesterday was quite different. I woke up happy for some odd reason, took a nice shower, got dolled up for work, made breakfast (aka- I ate an apple), I had my favorite cup of Starbucks (Bold pick of the day- black, no cream no sugar ) just in case you are wondering. I got in the subway with my earphones on my iPod listening to "Club Can't Handle Me" by Flo Rida and grabbed the Wall Street Journal Newspaper to read on my way to Jersey.

I got to work 30 minutes earlier, so I grabbed yet another coffee (please don't judge me- If you worked non-stop and still took time to get ready every morning to look fabulous, Starbucks would too be your BFF in the morning) So, I got into the office and before you know it- it's lunch time already.

No joke, I wish I had skipped lunch yesterday.

While I was planning to stay on salad mode all week long- I decided very bravely yesterday to send my healthy little salad to hell and have a Philly cheese steak sandwich instead. I was sitting down excited to take the first bite, when all of a sudden the dam Deli starts playing a collection of love songs! Al Green, Brian Adams, Celine Dion.....I was seriously about complain and say, HEY- DO YOU WANT ME TO ENJOY MY SANDWHICH OR NOT?!

Talk about a depressing lunch.

On my way home from work, I picked up some groceries and came home to cook and clean. Yeah, kind of felt like a wife waiting for her husband to come home- but, instead it's just single forever me, waiting for my BFF Veronica to come home so we can watch Gossip Girl while we eat dinner. So, I put on the jams. I love to cook and listen to my favorite artists so the mix was quite intense and yet interesting! It started off with a Britney Spears, with You want a piece of me and then to a salsa song by India, Mi mayor vengansa, with a bit of Kelly Clarkson in between- yeah, all man hater songs for the most part.

But anyway, dinner was finished just in time. Veronica and I chatted for a bit, ate dinner and talked a bit about my BIRTHDAY COMING UP ( PS. if you're my family and you're reading this and you're already thinking of what to get me for my b-day do not even worry about it, you don't need to get me anything. But in case you are wondering, My favorite color is pink, black and red- My three favorite stores are Zara, H&M and Forever21 (Yes, THANK GOD THIS FAMILY HAS GOOD TASTE IN FASHION!) I'm a size small, I like shoes, bags, and a good bottle of Merlot but j'adore gift cards,and oh yeah I like books too, my favorite authors are Elizabeth Gilbert and anything from Mark Twain.) But yeah, you don't have to get me anything.

On another note, it's getting much cooler now in New York City. No, not cooler as in badass- but cooler as in cold and as in pretty soon... I won't be able to rock my skirts anymore :(


Yours Truly,

Lili @ FashionHouse

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