Monday, October 18, 2010


I remember when I was back in California for the summer, my dad and I carpooled together for work in the morning. He would wake up early in the morning to make us his famous blueberry shake and say, "Cada manana tienes que comer bien y saludable" ( Every morning, you have to eat good and healthy). We would then of course, head out to Starbucks and get our coffee of the day. I remember all of our mornings- making breakfast and lunch together,but what I remember the most about our mornings, were my fathers conversations. He was always a great listener, but he also talked about the most interesting subjects. I remember one morning we were listening to one of his CD's by Brown Bear a motivational speaker and life coach you can say, and in the middle of his CD he leaned over to pause the disk and said, " You know what, Brown Bear is right! Every morning, we need to wake up happy and content, raise up our head, straighten up our shoulders, and say out loud-TODAY IS GOING TO BE A GREAT DAY! I AM GOING TO HAVE THE BEST DAY EVER!

So, today Monday- just as I was about to complain about my alarm clock being too loud and the weather being too cold and how my weekend went by too fast...I paused. I smiled. I got up and said, TODAY IS GOING TO BE A GREAT DAY! I AM GOING TO HAVE THE BEST DAY EVER! I sang as I got ready and already I felt better- until Starbucks tried to stop my happiness that is. As usual, I found myself waiting in the same 45 minute line to get a coffee (So worth it, have you tasted Starbucks lately? I'm at the point where if Starbucks ever closes, I WILL go to Africa and pickup the coffee beans myself) Anyway...I was waiting for my coffee...holding one of their Tazo Organic Iced Green Tea beverages and it slipped through my hands crashing into the ground! Glass spread everywhere, my Green Tea was now on my shoes and as a crowd of business people looked at me to seek a reaction, I simply looked at them with a huge smile on my face and said, "Well...It's officially Monday everyone!" Everyone- the students, the business people, the baristas, everyone started laughing! I then knew, that a simple slip was not going to ruin any part of my day! Today is Monday, and today I am going to have a GREAT day!


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