Tuesday, October 12, 2010


I was looking for some motivation this morning to get me on my usual %10000 level of work excitement ( Well...what I was really looking for were some hours of sleep but since this obviously couldn't get accomplished last night- I decided to steal some extra energy this morning) so I grabbed my wonderful cup of Starbucks -twice- ( please don't judge me) and then thought, humm ............

...motivation, motivation, motivation- what would my BFF do? Ahhhh of course, go to Lady Gaga! So, I did just that. I went to her website, http://www.ladygaga.com/ and I was completely blown away by her passion of being an artist, being unique and different and magnificent and for loving her fans (fans; also known as her Monsters) and over all, for being bold and brave! This super-mega super star gave me the right amount of caffeine this morning and then a quote that made me want to celebrate her for the rest of the day!

I hope all you monsters enjoy her fashion pictures on the "Celeb Haute Styles" tab. For more info please visit her official website http://www.ladygaga.com/!

‎"Do not allow people to dim your shine because they are blinded. Tell them to put on some sunglasses, cuz we were born this way bitch!" — Lady Gaga

Lady Gaga, I just HEART you!


Lili@Fashion House

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