Thursday, October 21, 2010


I can't believe how fast this week went. I'm staring at my calendar and it's amazing how fast time passes by- It's already October 21st, Where did my October go? I feel like I need to slow down. I hate it when a whole week passes by and I can't catch up with any of my friends or family, then again- they too are running around crazy so I do feel a little less bad. Maybe I feel this way because yesterday it got me! I got sick and I felt terrible! Inside and out.
I couldn't even wear my happy lip gloss yesterday because I was truly, deep down inside, was not feeling the usual happiness that I feel everyday. I hate being sick.
Any who, I gave myself until this afternoon to get better. I looked at my cough medicine this morning and said,

listen...we are a team here. I haven't been this excited to go out in a very long time. This weekend is special, so if you could please kick-in and help me out and get me nice and healthy by 7pm tonight- that would be amazing!

We will now see what happens.

Onto another note, besides being sick- I loooooveeeeeee walking in the morning and feeling the cold, crisp air pressing against my cheeks. I love New York City and the feeling I get every time I get up, get dressed, and head out. It's the most amazing routine. It's like, OH...WELL HELLO DAY!..I LIVE IN NEW YORK...!! IN MANHATTAN!! IN CHELSEA!! WITH MY BEST FRIEND!! AND WE HAVE A COFFEE MACHINE!!


It's the little things in life

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