Tuesday, October 19, 2010


I think I'm getting sick. I know this weather and I know how I get with this weather, and I know what happens when this weather comes around, and I know what pharmacy I have to head over to when this weather is starting to beat me up. I know. Last winter in New York was....HA! A SHOCKER! I mean, I was warned before moving out here that the weather was cold, but let me tell you my friend....It was COLD! I had to buy coats, scarfs, jackets, gloves, snow boots, ear muffs ( Which I don't mind because I actually look cute in ear muffs) But, you know- It was a completely different wardrobe! The worst thing about winter is that you don't get to show off your outfits- all people see when you walk outside is your big huge coat covering you from head to toe! Fail! Anyway. I remember last winter so well because I was sick 90% of the time! And, I am getting sick now and I can't be sick because I have plans and people with plans can't get sick.

On another note, I am at work and counting on my Blood Orange Cinnamon Black Tea ( From The Republic Of Tea- to be exact) To keep me going through today. This tea is so special and comforting because it reminds me of my sister Evelyn. It was a Tuesday morning when I found this tea advertised in the newspaper and I called my sister right away and said,
Sissy...what are you doing for lunch? I want this Tea. Mind if we go? It's not an emergency or anything, but like...you know... I kinda have to have it!
Without hesitation- she picked me up, we had a lovely bonding time in the car, and we picked up my tea and now every time I have some of my special Tea, I think about my Sis and how she's always there to comfort me on my worst and best of days.

The Republic Of Tea: http://www.republicoftea.com/

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