Tuesday, October 26, 2010


Yes, I feel quite cultural this morning. I'm repeating myself in 3 different languages as of five minutes ago- English, Spanish and French...and I think I like this game. I have to have my daily dose of humor some time during the day- otherwise work gets the best of me and that isn't going to happen anytime soon. This morning someone TRIED to ruin my day. I was on the verge of running out of my building, getting in the subway and heading out for a day out in Central Park to eat Gray's Papaya-when all of sudden I decided to stop and breathe for a good ten seconds to compose myself instead.

So, since today is still getting up to beat, I am going to talk to you about last night instead.
I got off work, did my laundry, got groceries, cooked, ate, catched-up with the roomies, ate a delicious tub of vanilla ice cream (please don't judge me) and I talked with my family in California. What really made my night last night though, was hearing my little sister Yeny.
She said,

"I bought myself some Rollerblades on accident. You see, I went on-line to look at Rollerblades and when I saw the ones I wanted; I clicked on them. I started filling out the information and then kept pushing the "Next" button to see what would happen. Then...I'm not sure what happened. I think I pushed the button too many times and I got a confirmation saying that I was going to receive my Rollerblades soon. But, I'm glad I did it- I really really wanted to get Rollerblades."

I couldn't believe it! My little sister, making on-line purchases! Buying herself roller blades, because she really really wanted them! It made my day! I literally smiled so big that I could feel my heart smiling too. She's getting older, she's growing up, she's making her own decisions, she's shopping and she's not using mom and dad anymore for the things that she really really wants. I became super proud of her. It takes a lot for a person to amuse me and awe me and inspire me and motivate me and captivate me- but my little sister does this all the time every time. Every time she shares her days with me I am amazed of how much she is learning and growing and I think to myself, wow... she truly is amazing.

This post is dedicated to my little sister, a beautiful person- inside and out- that gets what she really really wants.


Lili @Fashion House

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