Friday, October 22, 2010

FRIDAY- Commuting from one end to another

I was a little bit nervous to take up a job offer in Jersey City.I looked at the in's and out' and came up with the conclusion that although my mornings would have to start earlier and I would have to commute from one state to another (literally) I would also have something stable, enjoyable and different. Every morning since I've gotten back to New York from California, has been a moving transition. Not only for work- but for the rest of my personal life as well. Work, you can say, is only the peak- after that comes school, family, friends

I am a little confused right now with certain feelings that are revolving in the L-O-V-E department. First of all, this department wasn't meant to be open for any reason at all. I locked it with a thousand and one locks, guarded it with alarm systems, and placed barded wire all around. I decided about a month ago, that this site was going to be under construction for a very very VERY long time.

So what do we do?

In the midst of all my love defects and mistakes and hurtful errors- I can't help but wonder that when it comes to love, is it always better to be careful and guard it, or is it okay to let loose and let go. And when you find someone that makes you smile, but you're too afraid to let that smile turn into something else, what is the right thing to do? Do you stop everything before it happens because you have a history of failed relationships and huge disappointments? Do you acknowledge every piece of information and signs that you get and just go for it, forgetting about your past mistakes?

I have no room for disappointments

I have no room to train my individual other and say- Hey, this is how I want to get treated. This is what I want. The next person I will ever be 110% committed to will be the person that already knows.

I have no room to waste

My whole life is commuting from one end to another, and this time around- the only things I want to bring and take with me are the things that truly change my life.

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