Thursday, October 28, 2010

THURSDAY- law of attraction

C'est ma vie. Its my life. If I don't attract the very best to be on my side at the end of the day- I'm not doing my job. If I don't wake up motivated to be in the city where all dreams are possible- I'm not doing my job. If I don't walk into school and feel challenged with the education that is being thrusted under my skin- I'm not doing my job.

I'm not trying to be a motivational speaker this morning, but this thought came into my head at 6am as I was running in the morning. My alarm rang at 4am sharp. The day was dark and still raw. I layed in bed holding my cell phone in front of me looking at the time.

I stood still and thought...Ahhhh- I really really need to get up right now?

Answer: You have emails waiting, you have to run, you have to go work, you have to schedule eight meetings, you have to study, you have to follow-up on your photo shoots- really REALLY need to get up!

So I did

I went through my emails and responded to everyone I needed to. I went for an amazing run that made me appreciate my mornings a bit more. ( BTW: God knows I've never really been a runner- but I'm definitely loving it...It's soothing to clear my head early when the sun is coming up, I get a great start to my day feeling nice and healthy, I sing to my favorite music even if everyone thinks I'm crazy and oh legs are looking pretty sexy too) anywho- Igot ready for work and picked up my favorite coffee and newspaper on my way to work. I'm not sure why but, even though I've always been a fan of magazines- I've come to enjoy reading the paper in the morning more recently. Anyway, I realized today again that hard work+hard work+coffee= amazing life. No one else is going to give me the amazing life that I want in the future. I am the planner and the designer and the builder of my own beloved life- how I will be living 10-20 years from now, will always ultimately be up to me. If God let's me that is. But seriously, how awesome is that!
We get the opportunity to shape, mold and form our own lives.

So- lets get creative here people. Let's not try to settle for the things that only seem possible but for the things that truly seem impossible instead- for the things that appear to be out of reach but are truly closer to us when we take a second look.

It's going to be a beautiful day!

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