Monday, October 25, 2010

MONDAY- Please leave a message after the tone...

I disappeared for the weekend. I put away my cell phone, did not check a single e-mail, did not check missed calls, nor messages nor voice mails, nor did I think about work or duties or to-do's. I did not do my laundry, I did not go buy groceries and I did not cook.I did not read. I did not sleep in. I was out and about in New Jersey and came to the conclusion at the end of last night that I should definitely consider having more ME days. Me days as in; Liliana gets to do whatever she wants over and over again, without fear, regret, or a sign of holding back.

As much as I love getting work done on the weekend, this weekend I HAD to let go. I laughed the loudest, I rode on the tallest roller coaster, I ate a giant stick of blue cotton candy, I drank about a gallon or two of Sprite, I ate dipping dots, I had Panda Express and I had Johnny Rockets, I took pictures and I sang in the car and I listened to amazing music, I went to a high school birthday party, I saw the most amazing red, orange and yellow leaf trees. I smiled.
I walked more than any other day. I had the sun shinning on my face.

Today Monday, I am ready to tackle yet another day of work. I am on coffee #1 and plan to keep drinking coffee until I start recuperating from an unforgettable weekend.


Lili @ Fashion House NYC

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